We do not provide counseling services of any kind. Contact your local domestic abuse shelter, dial 9-1-1, or reach out to a trusted friend/organization.

Online Training Class


Do you have a desire to help those who are hurting but don’t know how? Maybe you want to address suffering biblically, but you lack tools and direction. Sign up to take our online 12-week course in Biblical Victim Care.


The Biblical Victim Care is a 12-week online class led by our Founder and Primary Instructor, Sydney Millage. The cost is $400/person for live training (certificate, lapel pin, no CEU’s) or asynchronous class for $300 (online, certificate, lapel pin, CEU’s, begins January, April, July, and October each year).  When registration and payment are received, individuals will be forwarded to a confirmation page with required and recommended resources.

Sydney Millage developed this course as a result of counseling women and children who have experienced abuse. She earned a Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling and graduated with honors from Faith Bible Seminary in Lafayette, IN. After 5 years of certification with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC), she was certified with the International Association of Biblical Counselors, (IABC) and is currently certified by the Association of Biblical Counselors (ABC).  Her publications include Sanctuary: Hope and Help for Victims of Domestic Abuse37 Ways to be Taken Captive: Warning and Prevention for Destructive Relationships, and two blogs: Seeking Sanctuary and HeartQuencher. She is the founder and executive director of Clarity in Action Ministries (CIAM) which values and cares for victims of domestic abuse by providing resources to equip the local church in a Christ-honoring way. This course is an equipping arm of CIAM. 

NEXT Livestream Class will be Fall 2025.

This study will open your eyes to the reality of domestic abuse and biblical truths about oppression. There are many Scripture passages I had no idea were taken so out of context because of the Church’s desire for people to be married at any cost. This study emphasizes that the goal is to bring people to Jesus, not simply fix the problem.

Class Member

This course has made me more aware of the realities of domestic violence and has also led me to follow up on a previous counseling situation that I should have handled differently. I believe the person I counseled will be greatly impacted by this.


Fall 2023 Biblical Victim Care Student


Biblical Counseling Basics

Explore how desires affect our words, behavior, and spiritual fruit with an invitation to examine your own heart.


Crying Out as a People Helper

Consider suffering in the lives of Hagar, Job, and the psalmist with an emphasis on God’s response to our cries.


Theology of Suffering for People Helpers

Examine Jesus’ suffering in Hebrews 2 and 1 Peter as a template for how to respond to hostile people.


Trusting God as a People Helper

Review the theology of man and salvation with the goal of living by faith.



Gain a perspective of viewing marriage through the lens of Scripture rather than viewing Scripture through the lens of marriage.


Dynamics of Domestic Abuse/Domination

Learn biblical and observable frameworks to understand marital oppression.


Obedience as a People Helper

Answer the question, “What does it look like to imitate God as dearly loved children?”


Important First Steps for Victim Care

What is the goal of victim care? How do you start? What are practical first steps?


Responding to a Disclosure and Progression of Counseling

When someone discloses their experience with abuse, how do we offer hope, build trust, and speak truth?


Biblical Principles, Part 1

Examine biblical resistance, “good,” “love covers a multitude of wrongs,” submission, and repentance.


Biblical Principles, Part 2

Understand shame, guilt, forgiveness, reconciliation and anger biblically.


Practical Considerations

Learn how and when to use secular resources, involve the church, report to authorities, confront an abuser, prepare children, and decide when/if/how to leave.

The BVCC was a great use of my time! Not only did I learn a lot, but I was able to get connected with others who were also striving to learn how to help those struggling in the domestic violence area. Moreover, valuable resources were discovered that I had no previous exposure to and I am sure will help our biblical counseling ministry!


Fall 2023 Biblical Victim Care Student

This course reinforced some things I had already been learning on my own… I enjoyed reviewing the Biblical principles of God’s love and His sovereignty and how we can trust Him. And how it’s all about Jesus ad what He did for us. The class also gave me some good resources and materials to use with future counselees as needed (including good questions I can ask to help the counselee think through her situation).


Fall 2023 Biblical Victim Care Student

This class impacted me personally by giving me hope to see people caring about abuse victims. It’s very encouraging to see pastors wanting to understand and be able to give real help


Fall 2023 Biblical Victim Care Student

This course has made me more aware of the realities of domestic violence and has also led me to follow up on a previous counseling situation that I should have handled differently. I believe the person I counseled will be greatly impacted by this.


Fall 2023 Biblical Victim Care Student

This study will open your eyes to the reality of domestic abuse and biblical truths about oppression. There are many Scripture passages I had no idea were taken so out of context because of the Church’s desire for people to be married at any cost. This study emphasizes that the goal is to bring people to Jesus, not simply fix the problem.

Class Member

We’ve got answers to some

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Biblical Victim Course for me?

If you love Jesus and work with people, the biblical victim care course will reveal your heart, help you see God more clearly, understand biblical truth, and view suffering from a new perspective.

Why does it cost more to take the class in person?

Taking the class in person allows you the opportunity to ask questions and interact with Sydney in real time.

How often is the class taught in person?

The class will be offered as a live class each September, but the recordings and material are available year-round (January, April, July, and October).

How is this class different than other biblical counseling?

It is focused on Jesus, not admonition. We teach what how to see and come alongside the suffering, especially those who have been sinned against as a means of accurately reflecting the gospel and Person of Jesus Christ.

Is the Biblical Victim Care Course a one-stop-shop for learning about domestic abuse?

We wish it was, but marital oppression is such a difficult topic, we provide many, many resources throughout the course for additional study and learning. This is a place to examine, question, and evaluate your theology and practice as it relates to helping the “least of these.” (Matthew 25:31-46)

Why do you use the word "victim" in the title of your course?

A victim is someone who is harmed by another. This course is designed to help you process, identify, and promote healing for individuals who have been treated wickedly from a biblical perspective. Being a victim is not an identity. It is a designation that describes mistreatment for a specific time.

Is the Biblical Victim Care Course a one-stop-shop for learning about domestic abuse?

We wish it was, but marital oppression is such a difficult topic, we provide many, many resources throughout the course for additional study and learning. This is a place to examine, question, and evaluate your theology and practice as it relates to helping the “least of these.” (Matthew 25:31-46)

Who is the online course for?

The online course is a teaching resource for all followers of Jesus who desire to understand the dynamics and impacts of abuse, and how to respond in a Christlike manner. The course is educational for pastors, counselors, Bible Study/small group leaders, and all followers of Jesus to grow their wisdom on how to engage and care for victims of abuse biblically.

Why should I enroll in the Biblical Victim Care Course?

A. “If you are a Christ follower, I urge you to take this course! Sydney’s commitment to the integrity of Scripture, intricate knowledge of abuse dynamics, and practical wisdom in caring for sufferers in a Christ-honoring manner has been so transformative. As an abuse survivor who previously received dismissive counsel from a local church, the opportunity for me to lean truth through Scripture about God’s care and concern for the oppressed alongside practical resources to care for other’s suffering is life-changing. I’ve been so encouraged to see an overlap between abuse advocacy and the church and understand what a lifeline it truly is to extend hope in a way which honors Christ AND meets the practical imminent needs of those hurting in such unspeakable grief. I’m beyond grateful for this learning experience and the heart of Clarity in Action.”

– Class Member, Fall 2023 Biblical Victim Care Course

A. “Abuse victims need you to see them and to have safe people in their lives. I know prior to one of my patients telling me she was in an abuse situation that it was all around me and I didn’t see it. I look back and see it now. I didn’t believe people and because of the wrong teaching I was discipled with gave horrific advice. I was the perfect abuser advocate instead of an advocate for the abused and oppressed.

“I was an advocate in biblical counseling for two women with Sydney before taking this class, but it’s been really good to go through it all again. I wish every church had at least one person trained in how to biblically deal with domestic violence because it would decrease the wickedness of abusers claiming repentance and alienating the oppressed from their biblical community.”

 – Laura, Fall 2023 Biblical Victim Care Student


Women’s Bible Study Leader Perspective

If you know someone in an abusive relationship, this course will equip you to engage redemptively.  If a friend shared heartbreak concerning her marriage and you did not know what to say, ask or respond; if you opted for quick band-aid answers and verses; if you know Jesus is the answer but do not know how He is relevant to her situation, this course is for you.


Women's Bible Study Leader