
The Alternative
We provided insight and resources for best practices when addressing oppressive relationships as a local church: using a team approach, prioritizing victim care, allowing for time and observation. What if that doesn’t happen? Sadly, many women seek help repeatedly...

Best Practices for Addressing Marital Oppression – Part 3
How do you know if you’ve been misled? Here’s part 3 of best practices: Time and Observation There are those who hesitate to believe or listen...

Best Practices for Addressing Marital Oppression – Part 2
In November we mentioned using a team-based approach to assist in oppressive marital relationships. Regardless of how we help, we have the same...

Best Practices for Addressing Marital Oppression – Part 1
The last several newsletters have focused on seeing a situation clearly, especially when each person has a different story. Last month we encouraged...

Courageous Listening
Perhaps it seems like both individuals within a marriage are responsible for arguments or violent outbursts. Both individuals point fingers at each...

God and Gossip
Last month we talked about the importance of talking to individuals separately. If bullying is happening in a marriage, there is no way to hear the...

Who’s at Fault?
Last month we addressed the hidden factors of differentials and punishment. Here’s one woman’s story of what happened following a traditional...

An Opportunity for You
You may have noticed some accounts people give of their marriage situation can’t be reconciled. What you hear from one individual conflicts with...

What We’re Missing
This mid-month newsletter is an opportunity to shine light on what is happening in the realm of marital domination. All of us wish it wasn’t so. But...

How Does Your Garden Grow?
This mid-month newsletter is an opportunity to learn about sin in the form of marital domination. “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for...

Great Expectations
For those who don’t understand the complexity of living with an oppressive individual, consider this narrative: Anna dreamed of growing up and...

A Rose with Thorns
The idiom “love is a rose with thorns” means that love is beautiful and rewarding, but it also comes with challenges and difficulties. The phrase...

Is Scripture All You Need?
There are many reasons church leadership may be uncertain or unaware of the dire need to learn more about domestic abuse. Consider this common...