We do not provide counseling services of any kind. Contact your local domestic abuse shelter, dial 9-1-1, or reach out to a trusted friend/organization.


An Opportunity for You

An Opportunity for You

You may have noticed some accounts people give of their marriage situation can’t be reconciled. What you hear from one individual conflicts with what you hear from the other individual. This is typical of oppressive relationships. This is atypical of healthy...

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What We’re Missing

What We’re Missing

This mid-month newsletter is an opportunity to shine light on what is happening in the realm of marital domination. All of us wish it wasn’t so. But...

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How Does Your Garden Grow?

How Does Your Garden Grow?

This mid-month newsletter is an opportunity to learn about  sin in the form of marital domination. “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for...

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Great Expectations

Great Expectations

For those who don’t understand the complexity of living with an oppressive individual, consider this narrative: Anna dreamed of growing up and...

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A Rose with Thorns

A Rose with Thorns

The idiom “love is a rose with thorns” means that love is beautiful and rewarding, but it also comes with challenges and difficulties. The phrase...

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Is Scripture All You Need?

Is Scripture All You Need?

There are many reasons church leadership may be uncertain or unaware of the dire need to learn more about domestic abuse. Consider this common...

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An Invitation to Light

An Invitation to Light

At this time of year, as the days grow shorter, we celebrate the incarnation of Jesus Christ, the Light of the world. In talking to Nicodemus, Jesus...

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Why Bully?

Why Bully?

When someone has a different perspective it takes effort to see their point of view. Throughout Clarity’s Biblical Victim Care Course, we seek to...

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It’s Not Imagination

It’s Not Imagination

Thank you for your prayers and support for Clarity in Action Ministries.  The Biblical Victim Care Course starts in just a few days (September...

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What’s the Right Answer?

What’s the Right Answer?

“I assumed he was telling the truth. I’m a pastor. People don’t lie to a pastor, do they?” In cases of marital oppression, those involved often tell...

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Everyone Knows Someone

Everyone Knows Someone

Think about your immediate and extended family. It might be your grandmother or grandfather; your mother, father, aunt, uncle, sister or brother....

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