We do not provide counseling services of any kind. Contact your local domestic abuse shelter, dial 9-1-1, or reach out to a trusted friend/organization.

Sydney Millage Photo


Clarity in Action Ministries is led by our President and Presenter, Sydney Millage. Sydney is a certified biblical counselor with the Association of Biblical Counselors (ABC) and the author of 37 Ways to Be Taken Captive: Warning Signs and Prevention for Destructive Relationships (2023).

Sydney lives on a farm in the Midwest where she provides counseling, training, and volunteers as a Victim Advocate/Survivor Counselor with local social services.

Who We Are

Clarity in Action Ministries exists to serve “the least of these.” If you desire to serve Christ by coming alongside the downtrodden and oppressed, we would love to be part of their provision and your spiritual growth and sanctification. God works in all of us simultaneously, so we understand that you will be challenged and have questions as you come alongside others. Let us know how we can help. 

Clarity in Action is a non-denominational, evangelical ministry that values and cares for victims of domestic abuse by providing resources to equip the local church in a Christ-honoring way.

We Believe


We believe the Bible is the Word of God, contains no errors, and is the final authority in every human being’s life.

We believe Jesus is the only way to God and that through faith and repentance one can receive forgiveness of sins and become a son or daughter of God.

We believe that every son or daughter of God will have evidences of the Holy Spirit’s work in their life as they progressively take on the heart, character, attitudes, and actions of Jesus.

We believe that the gospel, the substitutionary life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ, is the central unifying factor among Christians.

We believe in individual freedom of conscience in matters of theology that are not essential to the Christian faith.

We teach and counsel from our personally held theological positions while respecting differing positions, so long as those positions are not plainly at odds with the Bible and/or do not endanger victims of abuse.

We’re here for you

Meet the Team

Sydney Millage

Sydney Millage


My husband and I have 4 children and one grandchild. I graduated from Faith Bible Seminary in Lafayette, IN with a master’s degree and have provided biblical counseling since 2010. In 2023, God made a way for me to begin training others through Clarity in Action Ministries.

Karen Miller

Karen Miller


I’ve been married to Scott Miller for 26 years. We have four children, two are still at home. As members of Faith Baptist Church in Iowa City we teach Sunday School together. I became a lawyer and witnessed the devastating reality of domestic violence in family matters. Personally, I have experienced God’s power to heal and I praise Him for His tremendous love!

Jess Cox

Jess Cox


I live in Oskaloosa, IA, with my husband Dave and our three children. I am a registered nurse and work with a family practice and obstetrics physician. My family and I teach the teens in Sunday school and youth group. I have a heart for helping hurting women and children and have had the privilege of counseling them for over a decade.

Jamie Julius

Jamie Julius


I live in Waterloo, IA. I love Jesus, am a single mom and advocate for victims of domestic abuse. I enjoy all things outdoors as well as cooking, reading and taking care of our zoo of animals. I am a survivor of domestic abuse and it is an honor to help others.

Floyd Yutzy

Floyd Yutzy


My wife, Elaine, and I have four children and one grandchild. I enjoy the outdoors and have served in pastoral ministry for 23 years, most recently planting Cornerstone Community Church in Kalona, IA. I have a passion for helping people through the study of God’s Word, the presence of the Holy Spirit, and the application of the Gospel to everyday living.

Mike Gittins

Mike Gittins

Past Director/Presenter

I am the lead pastor at Calvary Baptist Church in Chatfield, Minnesota, where I live with my wife, Julie, and our three children. As a five year old, I trusted Christ as my Rescuer and Leader. My studies include undergraduate and graduate work at Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary (Ankeny, IA). I love coffee, shooting, wood fires, flannels, fall, traveling, reading, and woodworking.

bringing clarity to your questions about our ministry

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does the church need to learn about domestic abuse?

A. A study found that children exposed to violence in the home were 15 times more likely to be physically and/or sexually assaulted than the national average. (https://unicef.org/protection/fi)

A. “When one person in the relationship clearly has more power than the other and consistently uses it to promote selfish interests, that’s a clear sign that the problem is far more than a marital problem. The vast majority of domestic abuse incidents do not include physical harm.” Joy Forrest

A. Statistics show that as many as one in three women will experience severe physical abuse at the hands of an intimate partner. These numbers are no different within the church.

A. “Church leaders largely do not understand domestic violence and give advice that is harmful to victims. Over 70% reported that their churches did more harm than good.” Called to Peace Ministries

A. In a Called to Peace Ministries survey of nearly 200 Christian survivors of domestic violence, nearly 30% reported being married to men who served in ministry in some capacity; 22% had seminary training.

A. “Numerous studies show that evangelical men who sporadically attend church are more likely than me of any other religious group (and more likely than secular men) to assault their wives.” Steven R. Tracy, “What Does ‘Submit in Everything’ Really Mean? The Nature and Scope of Marital Submission”

A. 75% of women experiencing domestic abuse said they would go to the church first for help, but of those who did, only 4% said they would do so again. Christian Coalition Against Domestic Violence

What does Clarity in Action Ministries do?

A. Clarity in Action exists to equip local churches to identify and minister to those experiencing martial oppression.

A. Clarity in Action provides both individual and group training for those who serve in the local church.

A. Clarity in Action seeks to provide trained churches resources to minister to victims of abuse in spiritual and practical ways.

Does Clarity in Action provide direct services to victims of domestic abuse?

A. No, we do not. We seek to reach and affect lives through the loving care of individuals in local churches who have potential for ongoing, long-term relationships

How can I find out more?

A.  You can find Clarity in Action Ministries on FacebookInstagramTwitter, and sign up for our bi-monthly newsletter here.

How can I support Clarity in Action Ministries?

A. We experience many forms of resistance and appreciate prayer first and foremost. You can donate financially to either the ministry as a whole or specifically to the Victim Care Fund here online or via mail: Clarity in Action Ministries, P.O. Box 403, Iowa City, IA 52244

Does Clarity in Action provide direct services to victims of domestic abuse?

No, we do not. We teach local churches how to identify and help victims of domestic abuse, then make funds available to local churches that have received our training to provide for those who need help.

How do you use donations?

Unless your donation is designated “Victim Care Fund,” we use your gifts to promote Clarity in Action Ministries as a tool for equipping local churches. This includes promotional materials for conferences, contacting churches and individuals, and administrative costs. At this time, we have no employees; only volunteers and contractors who complete specific tasks based on their skill set.



Countdown! Don’t Miss It

Countdown! Don’t Miss It

Thank you for your prayers and support for Clarity in Action Ministries.  The Biblical Victim Care Course starts in just a few days (September 5).  We have enough interest to hold both an afternoon (1-3 p.m.) and evening (7-9 p.m.) class. If you or a member...

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Thank you for your support and prayers.God has provided through you and Clarity in Action is within $3000 of our start-up goal of $10,000. To date, your gifts have been used for: Attorney fees to draw up papers and file for nonprofit status  IRS application fees...

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How Did Clarity in Action Start

How Did Clarity in Action Start

How did Clarity in Action start?  In 2021, seasoned biblical counselor and advocate, Sydney Millage, was contacted by Pastor Mike Gittins who reached out for help with a difficult situation. Sydney invited Jamie Julius (an...

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