We do not provide counseling services of any kind. Contact your local domestic abuse shelter, dial 9-1-1, or reach out to a trusted friend/organization.

The Alternative

by | Feb 7, 2025 | Article | 0 comments

We provided insight and resources for best practices when addressing oppressive relationships as a local church: using a team approach, prioritizing victim care, allowing for time and observation.

What if that doesn’t happen?

Sadly, many women seek help repeatedly before leaving their local church and/or finding help elsewhere. That is why Clarity in Action Ministries exists. For years, I have spent hours each week speaking truth and pointing women to the Savior, but I have little influence or ability to help the perpetrator or local church grow in Christlikeness as it relates to this area of sin and suffering. 

Clarity in Action Ministries equip local churches to identify those who oppress others with God-given resources, especially in their marriage and home. In these instances, we use the Word of God to understand the situation from God’s perspective, think biblically, and respond practically with grace and truth.

To date, I have counseled thousands of hours with women seeking help. Initially, many of them don’t realize they are experiencing domestic abuse. In fact, they want to honor Christ in their marriage and believe they are responsible for their husband’s sinful behavior or that they can change him if they communicate and submit better or pray more. 

Before repentance and reconciliation can occur, we must first identify the sin of oppression. Churches that love their flock use multi-pronged resources to care for each family member well. Repentance is not the work of the local church; it’s the work of the Holy Spirit. Rather, Jesus said, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35).

In local churches that fail to identify this endemic sin and care for each individual: 

  1. Women and children leave the church
  2. Dominating men remain 
  3. Separation and divorce become the only options for women seeking protection and those women are often labeled, “unbiblical” and “in sin.” If they choose to remain in a local church, they risk church discipline and a cold shoulder.
  4. Leadership leans into authority and obedience instead of humility and heart change
  5. Numbers in the local church decline
  6. The cycle repeats until the church is characterized by oppression, often lingering before closing its doors

God is faithful to lead and strengthen His people through His Word. Churches can truly become the Body of Jesus by ministering to the broken hearted in their midst. That is why Clarity exists. Each of us belongs to Christ. We are His Church. This is His story. Individuals can help, but He is calling the local church, not one or two people.

Reconciled marriage is not the goal. Rather, we are called to faithfully represent Jesus Christ so that“…when [we] have done all that [we] were commanded, [we] should say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we’ve only done our duty.’” (Luke 17:10)


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