We do not provide counseling services of any kind. Contact your local domestic abuse shelter, dial 9-1-1, or reach out to a trusted friend/organization.

2024 Mid-Summer Update

by | Jul 30, 2024 | Newsletter | 0 comments

We’re more than halfway through summer with an update on what God is doing through your gifts and prayers for Clarity in Action Ministries.

This month Sydney will represent Clarity in Action Ministries at the Christian Chaplains and Coaching Conference in Charleston, SC. In addition to providing an exhibit, she will have two 1.5 hour sessions to educate those in attendance about abuse dynamics from a biblical perspective.

In September, Clarity in Action will be present at the Ladie’s Renew statewide conference at Iowa Regular Baptist Camp. Sydney will provide a session entitled, “When Help Hurts: Recognizing and Understanding Domestic Oppression.”

The in-person Biblical Victim Care Course begins soon. It is less strenuous than what is offered for credit through Christian Chaplains and allows for weekly discussion. This class is only offered in person for 12 Tuesdays each fall (1:00-3:00 p.m. CST, September 10-November 26, 2024) at a cost of $400. Sign up here:  https://clarityministry.org/biblical-victim-care-course/

Finally, we are receiving donations for the Victim Care Fund. This fund is for qualified churches with the intent of meeting financial needs of victim survivors in their congregation. Designated gifts can be given here: https://clarityministry.org/donate/  or sent to:

Clarity in Action Ministries
P.O. Box 403
Iowa City, IA 52244

We cannot do this alone. Although the courses bring in a percentage of our funding, we covet your prayers and commitment through financial support. 

Prayer and Blessings,

Clarity in Action Ministries Board of Directors:  

President: Sydney MillageVice-President: Karen Miller
Treasurer: Jamie JuliusSecretary: Jessica Cox
Director: Floyd Yutzy

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