We do not provide counseling services of any kind. Contact your local domestic abuse shelter, dial 9-1-1, or reach out to a trusted friend/organization.

“Clarity in Action” Means Something

by | Jun 18, 2024 | Newsletter | 0 comments

This mid-month newsletter is an opportunity to shine light on what is happening in the realm of marital domination. Our name, Clarity in Action, means something.

Synonyms for “clarity” are: clearness, transparency, accuracy, precision.

As we grow older, things change–and one of them is our ability to see clearly. But we are all born spiritually blind. The inability to see spiritual truth is spoken of in Scripture as  “deceiving ourselves,” or “walking in darkness.” 

The one who says he is in the light but hates his brother or sister is in the darkness until now. The one who loves his brother or sister remains in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in him. But the one who hates his brother or sister is in the darkness, walks in the darkness, and doesn’t know where he’s going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes. (1 John 2:9-11 CSB)

Clarity in Action Ministries exists to help local churches see situations for what they are–not what they appear to be, not what others want them to be. The Word of God exposes the motives and intentions of the heart. It is this living, active sword that effectively addresses the darkness of sinful desires.

In a recent situation, a woman realized her husband created fear in their home with intimidation, threats, and demeaning remarks. It took a year of praying, observing, and interacting with others to see the patterns of control that kept the family on edge, trying to avoid his angry outbursts. Although friends and family had some awareness, they were unprepared for his venomous attacks when they sought to help his family. He blame-shifted, stonewalled, resisted counsel, and made unreasonable demands.

This is common when a dominating individual’s sense of control is threatened. Clarity in Action exists to train the Body of Christ to rightly divide the Word of Truth. This begins with asking questions, making observations, believing victim(s), and using the Word of God to expose domination. God sees. He knows. He hears. And He is not threatened by sin. He is not unmoved by fear and loss. Instead, our Heavenly Father leans into these situations with kindness and patience that values each one, seeking their best. He rescues and heals the wounded and desires repentance for the perpetrator.

He came and proclaimed the good news of peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. (Ephesians 2:17)

If you wonder why a woman doesn’t seek help or if you would like to be prepared for escalating patterns of abuse, reach out (connect@clarityministry.org) and set up a time to visit. We would love to tell you more about how the Word of God brings truth and clarity to complicated, confusing intimate relationships.  

For more information, visit https://clarityministry.org or email us: connect@clarityministry.org


The Clarity In Action Ministries Board of Directors
(Sydney Millage, Jessica Cox, Karen Miller, Floyd Yutzy, Jamie Julius)
Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Instagram or Twitter.


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