We do not provide counseling services of any kind. Contact your local domestic abuse shelter, dial 9-1-1, or reach out to a trusted friend/organization.

A Word to Our Sponsors

by | May 31, 2024 | Newsletter | 0 comments

As we head into summer, Clarity in Action Ministries needs financial support for 2 campaigns:

  • Stocking our Victim Care Fund
  • Covering conference fees to build awareness and educate local churches

Below is a chart of how your gifts have been used by Clarity in Action Ministries:

As you can see, most of your gifts go toward promoting Clarity, content creation, development and teaching of materials, and professional equipment to provide quality training. We do not have employees, but have contracted services to get up and running. This past year and a half,  your gifts have been used to spread the word (grow awareness) and provide training. 

We are scheduled to provide a display and training at the Christian Chaplains and Coaching Conference August 6-10 and PeaceWorks Live October 20-11. Each conference provides new contacts for our newsletter, Light in the Darkness Trainings, and the Biblical Victim Care Course. It is not unusual for individuals to engage in conversation about their own experience. When God has touched our lives in meaningful ways, we want to share with others.

That is what happened at the Called to Peace Retreat in North Carolina, May 2-4. One evening, our friend, Rebecca Davis, escorted a woman across the ballroom to our table. “This is _____ and she has questions about the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. I knew you could help.” Then, near the end of the retreat, a woman stopped to ask what Clarity in Action Ministries does. When I explained that we equip churches to help victim-survivors she said, “I wish you would talk to my church! Would you come? I want them to know how to help women like me.” Another woman joined the conversation. It was an hour before I wrapped up our display and headed home. 

We appreciate the fact that you, our donors, are praying for us and sending us to do the work of the ministry by representing Jesus and equipping local churches. Thank you.

Donate here (via PayPal, Venmo, debit or credit card) or send gifts to:
Clarity in Action Ministries
P.O. Box 403
Iowa City, IA 52244


Clarity in Action Ministries Board of Directors:  

President: Sydney MillageVice-President: Karen Miller
Treasurer: Jamie JuliusSecretary: Jessica Cox
Director: Floyd Yutzy

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