We do not provide counseling services of any kind. Contact your local domestic abuse shelter, dial 9-1-1, or reach out to a trusted friend/organization.

brown wooden board

Giving Thanks in October

by | Oct 31, 2023 | Newsletter | 0 comments

At Clarity in Action Ministries, we want to keep you up to date and express our gratitude, recognizing we are not doing this alone. Here is what’s happening behind the scenes:

We do not have employees. Each person volunteers their time and gifts for the benefit of the organization. Your gifts are strategically used to equip local churches for Christ-honoring ministry and care.

Give online 

Or mail a gift to: 

Clarity in Action Ministries
P.O. Box 403
Iowa City, IA 52244

This month we accepted a proposal to build a new, updated website.The price is incredibly reasonable and we are thankful for God’s provision. Although there are monthly fees associated with an online presence, Clarity has an average of 200 page views each month. Moving forward, this update allows us to receive direct payments, offer online courses and training. 

Due to continuing interest in the Biblical Victim Care Course, we will provide it at the reduced rate of $300 January 9-March 26 and record it for use on our new website. Follow this link for more information. We will continue to offer it live, but not until Fall 2024. A percentage of the fee has been used to compensate Sydney for creating and presenting the curriculum while the remainder is being used to help us stay within our budget for ongoing expenses.

By God’s grace, Clarity is off to a strong start with a budget of under $10,000 for our first year. Many of you are praying, and that is most needed. Additionally, we are grateful for each financial gift whether it’s monthly, irregular, or one-time. 

The Clarity in Action Ministries display at PeaceWorks Live! in Charleston, West Virginia. 


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