We do not provide counseling services of any kind. Contact your local domestic abuse shelter, dial 9-1-1, or reach out to a trusted friend/organization.

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A Call to Clarity: Introduction and Welcome

by | Mar 18, 2023 | Article | 0 comments

Recently, an Iowa Pastor said, “In my 30+ years of ministry, sadly, domestic abuse in marriage is not uncommon in the churches I’ve ministered in.” Another Pastor confirms, “Statistically, one in three women in the church are experiencing, will experience or have experienced abuse.”

Clarity in Action Ministries (CIAM) exists to value and care for victims of domestic abuse by providing resources to equip the local church in a Christ-honoring way. 

We believe Jesus has made a way and He is inviting us to participate in His work. We strive to emulate Christ by opening doors for the powerless and abused. We develop and provide training programs for churches, offer biblical victim care curriculum, and aspire to partner with local churches in providing financial resources for victims.  Our aim is to build up and strengthen the body of Christ. 

This is difficult work. But God is greater. Please consider a gift of prayer and/or financial support to help with start-up costs, scholarships for churches and individuals seeking training, and practical needs of the downtrodden and brokenhearted. Visit our website to learn more: https://clarityministry.org 

This is the first of many monthly newsletters to keep you up-to-date and involved. Your partnership is vital. Please take a moment to connect with us on FacebookInstagramTwitter, and share our mission with others.

First-time donors will receive a complimentary copy of Sydney’s new book, 37 Ways to be Taken Captive: Warning Signs and Prevention for Destructive Relationships. 


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