We do not provide counseling services of any kind. Contact your local domestic abuse shelter, dial 9-1-1, or reach out to a trusted friend/organization.

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Everyone Knows Someone

by | Jun 21, 2023 | Article | 0 comments

Think about your immediate and extended family. It might be your grandmother or grandfather; your mother, father, aunt, uncle, sister or brother. Chances are you’ve known someone whose life was impacted by a domineering, selfish, unkind man or woman. Their behavior may not have been illegal, but it was certainly sinful. 

How difficult is it to think about confronting or getting involved in that situation? On a scale of 1-10, it’s probably a 20.

Then stop to think about how difficult it would be to live in that same situation for months. Years. 

Proverbs 21:20 says, “Precious treasure and oil are in the dwelling of a wise person, but a fool consumes them.” People are precious. A wise person not only builds on the investment of God’s image with salvation in mind, but protects and treats others as a treasure. Foolish people, on the other hand, consume and devour others, diminishing their potential and destroying their ability to live for God.

Would you commit to pray for your “someone” or “someones?” Pray that the Lord would expose sin and wickedness. Pray for an opportunity to love, to speak truth, and be kind. Don’t force. Don’t take control. Simply pray and wait on the Lord.

If you would like to know more about how to help, consider signing up for our Biblical Victim Care Course this September through November. 

Registration for the Biblical Victim Care Course opens July 1. The course will be taught on Tuesdays from September 5-November 21 for $300/person ($25/class). Individuals may commit to attend from 1:00-3:00 p.m. or 7:00-9:00 p.m. CST. Contact us at connect@clarityministry.org.  If you know someone who would benefit from this course, please pass the word or offer to sponsor them financially.

A student who attended the pilot course wrote:
This study will open your eyes to the reality of domestic abuse and biblical truths about oppression. There are many Scripture passages I had no idea were taken so out-of-context because of the Church’s desire for people to be married at any cost. This study emphasizes that the goal is to bring people to Jesus, not to simply fix the problem.

Clarity in Action Ministries Board of Directors  

President: Sydney MillageVice-President: Karen Miller
Treasurer: Mike GittinsSecretary: Jessica Cox
Consultant: Jamie Julius


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