values and cares for victims of domestic abuse by providing resources to equip the local church in a Christ-honoring way.
It’s not the picture of the black eye;
that’s a picture, but it’s not the only one.
It’s the picture behind the pretty scenes
of flowers and family photographs.
I was one of those women. And I didn’t know.
This is God’s work, done by human hands and hearts.
Reach out for personal or corporate training.
Be ready and willing to change redemptively.
Be ready and willing to change redemptively.
Reach out for personal or corporate training.
You articulate so [clearly] the insidious nature of abuse: how manipulation, victim-distortion of abuse, and church leaders (unfortunately) can perpetuate abuse by minimizing it in the name of Jesus …
—A Child of God

Recent Articles
Bringing the light of Jesus to dark places of the world.

What We’re Missing
This mid-month newsletter is an opportunity to shine light on what is happening in the realm of marital domination. All of us wish it wasn’t so. But the reality is shocking. According to research, an overwhelming majority of senior pastors (98%) say a person...

All Aboard
God is opening doors for Clarity in Action Ministries and we couldn’t be more excited! We invite you to join us in ministry with financial gifts and prayer. Here’s what’s happening: April 16-18: We set up our display and made ourselves available to the Iowa...

How Does Your Garden Grow?
This mid-month newsletter is an opportunity to learn about sin in the form of marital domination. “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption,...

When You Feel Alone
Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts. For if either falls, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one who falls without another to lift him up. (Ecclesiastes 4:9) We know how powerless it can feel to lack the tools and ability...

Great Expectations
For those who don’t understand the complexity of living with an oppressive individual, consider this narrative: Anna dreamed of growing up and moving to France. She read books about French art and landmarks. She imagined what it would feel like to sit in the shadow of...

Movin’, Movin’, Movin’
At the beginning of each month, we send an update on the status of Clarity in Action Ministries. Thanks to generous donors and payments for two full classes of the Biblical Victim Care Course, we have been able to pay for the following: Ministry CPA for tax completion...

A Rose with Thorns
The idiom “love is a rose with thorns” means that love is beautiful and rewarding, but it also comes with challenges and difficulties. The phrase implies that the beauty and joy of love are worth the pain and sacrifice, just like a rose is worth its thorns. One woman...

Introducing: The Clarity Team
This month we would like to introduce you to Clarity in Action Ministries’ Board of Directors. Sydney Millage, Founder/President I grew up in the state of Wyoming and have many fond memories of mountains, church camp, and life in the Wild West. At the age of 9...

Is Scripture All You Need?
There are many reasons church leadership may be uncertain or unaware of the dire need to learn more about domestic abuse. Consider this common opposition and how Clarity in Action might help your church with its half-day training (in person or via Zoom): “The...

Bringing Clarity to 2024
2024 is here and Clarity in Action Ministries would love to be part of your local church’s ability to see and serve those who unseen and unheard–the least of these. The next Biblical Victim Care Course begins in just over a week! Register here for...

An Invitation to Light
At this time of year, as the days grow shorter, we celebrate the incarnation of Jesus Christ, the Light of the world. In talking to Nicodemus, Jesus said, “This is the judgment: The light has come into the world, and people loved darkness rather than the light because...

One Down, by God’s Grace, Many More to Go
It’s nearly the end of 2023 and we are excited to be part of God’s work! Thank you for your continued prayers and support! On Tuesday, November 21, we finished the 12-week Biblical Victim Care Course. Individuals signed up for the class for a variety of reasons: To...